Over 40 Years of Experience
A Note from Dr. Vazquez
Please browse through my web site to become acquainted with my clinical practice in New York City, forensic testimony, books, speaking engagements, and research. My work focuses on helping people understand, cope with conflicts and be proud of their multicultural heritage, plus solve psychological problems common to everyone regardless of their ethnic identification.

I specialize in gender sensitive psychology where women can be helped to find their voice and become empowered through the application of a Latina Feminist Psychology.
Although I have a special niche helping Latinos, I also have training and many years of experience with a non-Latino population, who are immigrants or born in the United States. I have lived in the U.S. longer than in Latin America, yet never lose touch with the richness of my heritage, visit Latin American countries, and transmit cultural pride to my sons.
Dr. Carmen Inoa Vazquez, PhD, ABPP